Wednesday, March 26, 2008



A cool autumn breeze was blowing gently touching my face softly as I sipped through my mug of coffee. Sitting in the balcony of my second floor apartment I was staring at the road below, busy with fast moving vehicles carrying people home from work. I too had just got home from a very hectic day at work but I had this strange feeling of satisfaction today. Everything looked pleasantly perfect, even the sound of the traffic that normally irritated me sounded good. Looking back, it did not take me long to apprehend the reason. I was doing well with my job, had two beautiful kids and the love of my life. What else could a woman want from life? I had everything I had dreamt of but what made me dream? Who gave me those dreams?

I moved back further to when I was younger and lived with my parents and siblings. My dad had a stable job, though not a very high paying one. My mother was a housewife completely dedicated to the family. Both of them seemed to have only this one aim in life and that was to see the three of us through a good education. We studied in the best school they could afford. They had to make many sacrifices to feed this aspiration of theirs.

My dad was an early riser. He would wake up at four in the morning and would wake us up too. It was a routine for years that the three of us would cuddle up around him while mom got along with the chores. We would then go on this spree of creating hypothetical situations and submitting our individual reactions to them. Dad would create those situations and we would say how we would react to them. He made us dream and imagine things. What would we do if we won a lottery? What would we want in life in order to say that most elusive statement that seemed to be written in gold ‘I am Happy with my Life’. What would be our ultimate aim in life? What would be our destination if we were to take up a sojourn into our dreams? How would we design our house? …and scores of such situations! We would give our respective answers and dream of those things and how we would strive to achieve them. Then followed arguments and debates as we critically analyzed each of the responses. At times, I would wonder how and from where he got those new ideas every day that made our creative juices flow the way they did. This hour long daily ritual had become a part of our life and continued till we moved out on our own to proceed with our individual lives.

I could not realize the effect of those little discussions till very late in life. Those little dreams had become a part of my sub-conscious mind. Whatever I did, wherever I went those dreams had a subtle influence on every aspect of my move, each decision that I made. Now I realize that whatever I had achieved in life was the result of those small dreams which were embedded in my inner self by my Dad. Each step was taken to get closer to those dreams.

Suddenly the shrill cry of a child woke me from the reverie and brought me back from the flash-back to the present. I suddenly realized that I had never thanked my dad for what he had given me in the form of those dreams, the beacon that had been guiding me through the ups and downs of my life, the small imaginary flights that had helped me through my success and failures. They always held my hand and brought me out of my failures to help me fight again with renewed zeal .It was dark already and everything suddenly seemed so calm. I headed for my cell-phone and started dialing dad’s number. I had two tasks ahead – one to thank him for the dreams and the second - to start talking of dreams to my kids! After all, you have to sow the seeds as long as the soil is fertile and take the legacy ahead.